2020 marks the 100-year anniversary of Anders Zorn’s death. Kunstmuseum Den Haag in The Hague was celebrating the occasion by showcasing Zorn’s oeuvre as a whole to the public.
Anders Zorn is still well known in Sweden, but he has largely escaped the attention of the public in the rest of Europe. This exhibition at Kunstmuseum Den Haag was the first major exhibition of his work in the Netherlands.
A total of 150 paintings, watercolors and etchings were displayed and the visitor could follow Zorn's career and artistic development, everything from idyllic scenes in the Swedish countryside to portraits of the elite at the time. 47 of the works were on loan from Nationalmuseum.
The exhibition was a collaboration between Kunstmuseum Den Haag in The Hague, Netherlands, the Zorn Museum in Mora, Sweden and Nationalmuseum.
The exhibition was planned to open at Nationalmuseum in the summer 2020, but due to the situation with the new corona virus it is postponed.