The archives house the public records of Nationalmuseum plus the Artist Archives. They are a key resource for the museum's staff and open to students, researchers and other interested individuals by appointment.
Nationalmuseum's public records (Myndighetsarkivet)
The public records contain the records of the museum’s operations from 1866 onwards. There are three record groups: Nationalmuseum Sections (NM/AVD) and Administrative Body (NM/CK, NM/FE).
The Artist Archives
The so-called Artist Archives have been accumulated over the years by our staff and through acquisitions, gifts and donations. They contain documentation about artists, individual artworks, and buildings. Items include correspondence and research by art historians and museum staff. The Artist Archives are divided into four collections: Biografica, Correspondence Collection (Brevarkiv), Topographical Collection (Topografica), and Private Archives (Enskilda arkiv).
Visiting the archives
Our archives are only open by appointment. To make an appointment, contact
Opening hours
Tuesday–Thursday 13:00–17:00 (except public holidays)
Closed 17 April, 1 May, and 29 May
Closed during the summer 13 Juni-18 August
Visiting address
Holmamiralens väg 2, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm
Prepare your visit
Please find the items you are interested in in Sweden's National Archives Database, then contact us before your visit to order these items.
(If you are unable to use the National Archives Database, the archives' information desk can offer you a list of all items.)