Nationalmuseum is Sweden's museum of art and design. Nationalmuseum is also a government authority with a mandate to preserve cultural heritage and promote art, interest in art and knowledge of art. The collections comprise of painting, sculpture, drawings and prints from 1500-1900 and applied arts, design and portraits from early Middle Ages up until present day.
Nationalmuseum is a government authority with a mandate to preserve cultural heritage and promote art, interest in art and knowledge of art.
This mandate is set out in an annual letter of instruction from government. The Director General of Nationalmuseum acts as chief executive officer of the authority and director of Nationalmuseum.
Our activities are founded on the national collection of older art up to around 1900 and older applied art and design up to the present day.
Nationalmuseum’s mandate has three pillars: to preserve, make accessible and help build knowledge. Our activities are also intended to put social development in perspective and make us a player in contemporary society.