Order images/reproduction rights
Thousands of high-resolution images of Nationalmuseum's artworks are freely available for direct download at Wikimedia Commons. Even more images can be viewed in our online database. Still can't find what you're looking for? Order images from our image archives.
Images on Wikimedia Commons are free to use for any purpose; no permit is needed. If the images you're looking for aren't available on Wikimedia or in the museum's own online database, you can order images from us using the form below.
Administrative fee
For research/academic/scientific/private use of existing digital images: No fee.
For commercial use: 1,000 SEK per image + VAT 6%.
Taking new photos
Having new photos taken costs 2,000 SEK per object + VAT 25%.
Important information before completing the form
Pease read Nationalmuseum's terms for the use of images.
Please read Nationalmuseum's personal data collection and processing policy.
If you want to order, or renew reproduction rights for, more than five images, please e-mail bildarkivet@nationalmuseum.se.