Order images/reproduction rights

Thousands of high resolution images of works that belong to Nationalmuseum are freely available for direct download at Wikimedia Commons. And even more images can be viewed in our online database. Still not finding what you are looking for? Order the images from Nationalmuseum's image archives.

Images on Wikimedia Commons are free to use for any purpose, no authorisation is required. If the images you are looking for cannot be found on Wikimedia, or in the museum's online database, you are welcome to submit an image order using the order form below.

More than five images?

If you want to order, or renew reproduction rights for, more than five images, please contact us via e-mail to: bildarkivet@nationalmuseum.se


Administrative fee

For research/academic/scientific/private use of existing digital images: No fee

For commercial use: 1 000 SEK / image + VAT 6%

Photography of objects

The fee for new photography is 2 000 SEK / object + VAT 25%

Important information before completing the form

Pease read Nationalmuseum's terms for the use of images.

Please check out Nationalmuseum's policy for the collection and processing of personal data.

Fill out and submit your order

Type of use *
Please fill out the name of the exhibition, publication etc.
Other than private use? Fill out this field.
Commercial use? Please fill out the address fields below.
EU customers: If commercial use, please fill out this field.
Please fill out the inventory number and title.
Renewal of rights
Agreement Reproduction Rights *
Consent to the collection and storage of personal data *

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