Take the opportunity to join us for a unique guided tour of Design=Memory. Japanese designer Akiura Miniagawa presents the exhibition and his design philosophy together with Sara Borgegård Älgå, Nationalmuseum. Akira Minagawa speaks in Japanese that is translated to Swedish. The guided tour is held in Swedish, at a relaxed pace to give time for questions and translations.
In the exhibition Design=Memory, one of today's most prominent Japanese designers, Akira Minagawa, and his fashion and textile brand Minä Perhonen is presented to a Swedish audience. On Friday, May 3, there is a unique chance to participate in a special guided tour together with Akira Minagawa and Sara Borgegård Älgå, curator of education at Nationalmuseum. Akira Minagawa speaks in Japanese that is translated to Swedish. The guided tour is held in Swedish, at a relaxed pace to give time for questions and translations.
Friday 3 May, 15:00–16:30
Japanese and Swedish
- Regular price: 210 kr (admission fee, 160 kr, is included)
- If you already have bought an entry ticket, are entitled to free admission or have an annual pass: buy a tour ticket, 50 kr.
- Your are welcome to buy your tour tickets in advance. Any remaining ticktes are sold on site at the museum.
Meeting point
The Sculpture Courtyard, entrance floor
More about the tour
In the exhibition we meet the everyday and close-to-nature philosophy that permeates Akira Minagawa's work and the company Minä perhonen that he founded in 1995. The exhibition highlights the creative process together with clothes, design objects and unique original works. An exquisite selection of dresses, coats and textiles is presented. In everything, the smallest detail is important – from the choice of materials to new and bold innovations. The users' experiences and memories of the garments and objects play an important role. Together, Akira Minagawa and his team look at how design can, and should, make us happier in everyday life.
In this guided tour, Akira Minagawa, together with Sara Borgegård Älgå, curator of education at Nationalmuseum, tells us more about how ideas take shape and how the conscious and careful production with skilled craftsmen and small companies in Japan takes place. The tour is conducted at a relaxed pace with time for questions and translations.
Find out more about the exhibition
Design=Memory. Akira Minagawa & Minä Perhonen